Made by ThatOneCalculator & Pixer415
With help from twistCMYK, Coco, Advos, karl-police, and auguwu!

Please credit this repository when you use this program!
“Among Us Dumpy Bot is the best Discord bot” -Mutahar (SomeOrdinaryGamers)
Technologies used
Examples (click)
The Discord bot uses slash commands, type /info
for more info or /dumpy
to make a dumpy gif.
Run as a program:
- Java Runtime Environment 16
- All downloads
- Also works with OpenJDK
- ImageMagick
- Windows (static, v6.9.X)
- macOS:
brew install imagemagick
(needs Homebrew) - Linux: use package manager.
AUR package for Arch Linux users 
yay -S among-us-dumpy-gif-maker && among-us-dumpy-gif-maker
To everyone else:
Make sure to download the jar!
Basic usage:
Click and open the jar, select the file, and a file called “dumpy.gif” will be made in the same folder as the jar.
CLI usage:
java -jar Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker-4.2.1-all.jar <flags>
All flags are optional. Flags:--background <arg> Path to custom background --extraoutput <arg> Appends text to output files --file <arg> Path to file, hides file picker --help Shows this message --lines <arg> Changes the number of lines (defaults to 10) --mode <arg> Crewmate mode, currently supports default, furry, sans, isaac, and bounce
From source:
Not recommended unless you intend to modify the code!
- Need Gradle
git clone cd Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker gradle wrapper ./gradlew shadowJar # .\gradelw.bat shadowJar if you're on Windows java -jar ./build/libs/Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker-4.2.1-all.jar
Please note that the Discord/Revolt bots are not designed to be self-hosted, and I will not be providing support for self-hosting them.